We are What We Eat
There is a sign at the water fountain and vending machine alcove at the Dana Farber breast cancer waiting area that says “Nourishment”. Nourishment is defined as “food or other substances necessary for growth, health and good condition.” Instead of thinking of food as simply calories and macronutrient components of protein, carbohydrates and fat, I now think of how food can provide the nutrients to fuel my body to move, heal, grow, get stronger, fight cancer, feel better, and boost immunity. We seriously are what we eat! I want to show my body love and kindness through my actions, language and the food I provide it to thrive. And I want it to taste good!
Most cancer prevention and survival guidelines recommend eating a wide variety of whole, vibrantly colored, unprocessed plants and avoiding processed foods, meat, and alcohol. Aim for 8-10 colorful fruit and vegetable servings per day. Eat a diet high in fiber (some studies say 30-45 grams per day although some research studies on beneficial plant based diets had up to 60 grams of fiber!). Your plate should be 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% starchy vegetable or whole grain and a diet low in fat and cholesterol (only 20-30% of your total calories from fat with only 8% of calories from saturated fat. Eat flax seed meal, cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, berries, plant protein (including beans), nuts, whole grains, herbs and spices every day.
Processed foods are food that has been packaged or changed from its original form and should be avoided. Even oils like olive oil are a processed food! Other examples to avoid are refined, processed grains, flours and sugars (so avoid white things on your plate; bread, pasta, rice, cakes, etc). and food packaged in wrappers. Look for whole grains like quinoa, farro, brown rice, amaranth, wheat berries, spelt, soba (wheat) noodles. Try lentil or chickpea noodles.
What do I want from my food to nourish and support me? I’m looking for food that will do the heavy lifting and be antiproliferative, antiangiogenic, anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing, detoxifying, decrease oxidative stress, promote positive epigenetic effects, and repair damaged DNA. Basically, what these big words mean is that I want food to prevent cancer growth and spread, boost immunity, decrease free radicals formed by normal mechanisms and from cancer treatment and repair my broken DNA. This seems like a big bill to fill, but plants naturally do these functions!
Why are plants so powerful and how can they support us?
Phytonutrients (aka phytochemical or antioxidants) are plant chemicals that give plants color, smell, flavor, and protection from pests and diseases. When we eat plants containing phytonutrients we get the immune boosting, hormone regulating, cancer cell killing benefits that plants inherently contain. Examples of phytonutrients are carotenoids, flavonoids, isoflavones.
Certain plants have been found to be more beneficial in preventing and treating breast cancer.
Those that are colorful, contain isothiocyanates, contain lignans, or phytoestrogens have been studied for their benefits.
What plants and nutrients have been studied in breast cancer and why are they beneficial?
Flaxseeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids and lignans as well as a good source of protein and fiber. Lignans are another type of phytoestrogen that lessens the effects of the body’s own estrogen and influences the body’s metabolism of estrogen (lignans are so powerful that eating a little bit every day can lengthen your menstrual cycle!), and studies have shown that high levels of circulating lignans are associated with reduced death in breast cancer. In one dietary study, postmenopausal women with breast cancer who were scheduled for surgery were given flaxseed muffins and compared with a control group that was given a muffin without flaxseed. The breast tumor tissue biopsies were compared to the tumors at surgery after the dietary intervention. Researchers found that the tumors in the flaxseed muffin group had a decrease in tumor proliferation score (Ki-67), increase in cancer death (apoptosis), and decrease in cancer aggressiveness (c-erB2 or HER-2 score). The muffins had 2 tablespoons (25 grams) of ground flaxseed in them. Animals given flaxseeds with tamoxifen (an anti estrogen medication for ER+ tumors) had a reduction in their tumors greater than tamoxifen alone, but this has not been studied yet in humans.
Lignans are found in whole grains, sesame seeds, vegetables, fruits, but flaxseed has 100 times more lignans than other foods. Good bacteria in your gut turn the flaxseed lignan precursors into available lignans. In studies of mice fed flaxseed, the animals’ gut bacteria and mammary gland cell miRNA expression (proteins that regulate gene expression) changed toward an anti-cancer profile. It is important to eat milled or ground flaxseeds so they are easily digested by your body.
Soybeans contain isoflavones which are phytoestrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators. Phytoestrogens are not the same as human estrogen (which is associated with breast cancer). Plant estrogens bind to a different receptor than animal estrogen and can block the harmful effects of animal estrogen. Soy isoflavones may protect against breast cancer by reversing DNA methylation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 oncogenes. Soy consumption decreases breast cancer risk, breast cancer patients that eat soy live longer and have a lower risk of recurrence. One study found that drinking more than 10 mg/day of isoflavones (1 cup of soy milk contains approximately 30 mg of isoflavones) was associated with a 29% risk of breast cancer specific mortality and a 36% reduction in risk of breast cancer recurrence. Soy and tofu are technically processed forms of soy, so eating edamame or fermented soy like tempeh or miso are the purer forms.
The topic of dietary soy is a controversial one. Previously, it was recommended that women with breast cancer not eat soy because of its estrogenic effects, and then the consensus changed. It is best to speak with your healthcare provider to see what the updates recommendations are for your specific type of breast cancer.
Cruciferous vegetables grow in the shape of a cross; broccoli, cauliflower, collards, bok chop, arugula, Brussel sprouts, watercress, cabbage, and kale. These vegetables contain a molecule called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is a type of isothiocyanate that in studies suppresses the formation and growth of breast cancer stem cells, boosts immune function, and detoxifies. Another added benefit is that it has been shown to improve osteoporosis. Cruciferous vegetables store a precursor of sulforaphane that is converted to its active form by an enzyme when the vegetable is bit, sliced, chopped or snapped. To eat the highest concentration of the active compound, wait 40 minutes after chopping your cruciferous veggies.
The content of sulforaphane precursor is greatest in young broccoli sprouts (sprouts have 15 times more than mature broccoli). Cooking changes the content: fresh has the most, then blanched then cooked or frozen. According to Dr. Michael Granger in his book, How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease (Amazon affiliate link), simply eating 1/4 cup of broccoli sprouts a day will provide you with the concentration of sulforaphane that was used to study suppression of breast cancer stem cells. You can grow broccoli sprouts from seeds at home in a planter. Sprouts can be a source of foodborne illness, so you want to make sure you are handling them appropriately and discuss with your nutritionist and oncologist to make sure that it is healthy for you depending on your immune status. Granger adds that you can boost your sulforaphane benefit by adding adding 1/2 teaspoon of mustard powder to the broccoli sprouts. Mustard is a cruciferous vegetable and the seed contains myrosinase which is the enzyme that converts anti-cancer compound sulfurophane to its active form) to cruciferous vegetables. Daikon and regular radishes, horseradish and wasabi may all have the same sulforaphane boosting ability as mustard. Don't go overboard; more than four servings of cruciferous vegetables a day may be too much, and if you're on a blood thinner make sure to discuss with your healthcare team as adding cruciferous vegetables can affect your medication levels.
Why is green tea good for you?
Tea contains antioxidant and anticancer compounds called polyphenols (flavonoids). Tea contains the compound epigallocatechin gallate (also known as EGCG), a polyphenol (specifically a catechin). While EGCG is found in all teas, most fruits (especially cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, kiwis, cherries, pears, peaches, apples, avocados), legumes, and nuts (pecans, pistachios, and hazelnuts). EGCG levels are highest in green tea. EGCG is an antioxidant that prevents cellular damage from free radicals, reduces inflammation, prevents tumor growth. The compound has been shown to boost brain, cardiovascular health, and promote weight loss. Studies have shown that drinking green tea decreases risk of breast cancer. Early stage breast cancer human studies have shown it decreases breast cancer proliferation, tumor invasion, metastasis and recurrence. There may be a synergistic relationship between green tea and soy (where the interaction of the two substances has a combined greater effect on the body than either soy or green tea alone). It may also increase tamoxifen’s effects on Estrogen Receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer cells.
There are many other antioxidants and phytochemicals that have been studied and found to be important in breast cancer. These include but are not limited to vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, resveratrol, turmeric (Curcumin) to name a few. Overall, studies have shown that getting these antioxidants from plants is better than from supplements. It is important to be cautious with supplements, especially during chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery because the antioxidants may interfere with these treatments (like high dose vitamin C or turmeric). Always check with your health care provider. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center's Supplement Database provides supplement or herb plant source, mechanism of action, potential benefits, side effects, and potential interactions. The compounds in proprietary supplements may be just one extracted part of the plant, too much, or may be processed in a dangerous way. One day individualized treatment plans will prescribe herbal remedies, probiotics, and chemotherapeutics specific to your tumor and genetic profile (let's remember that the cancer fighting compound in the chemotherapy medicine Taxol was discovered in the Pacific Yew tree!), but personalized medicine unfortunately isn't quite there yet. Supplements are not regulated closely by the Food and Drug Administration like prescription medications.
Is sugar bad for you?
We all need sugar to live. Sugar is a carbohydrate made from plants, and the technical name is sucrose. Sucrose is a glucose and fructose molecule bound together. There is also milk sugar which is called galactose. Our cells use these molecules for energy. The problem is when we eat sugar in processed form without the fiber, protein and fat that are found in plants naturally. After eating processed sugar or high glycemic index food (Harvard Health Glycemic Index), your serum insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) increase quickly and spike up and down instead of a slow and steady rise, plateau and decline. As its name implies, IGF is a growth factor, and it can stimulate cancer cell growth. IGF is decreased with fasting and is thought to be responsible for fasting's benefits. Higher levels of insulin from high blood glucose levels lead to insulin resistance and diabetes. A higher insulin, IGF, and fasting glucose levels increases the risk of breast cancer, and in women with breast cancer is associated with a worse prognosis. The link between obesity and breast cancer risk and poorer prognosis may be due to increased insulin, glucose and IGF. A fasting glucose blood level will test your insulin resistance.
Avoid alcohol. The World Health Organization has named alcohol as a carcinogen and recommended no alcohol consumption. Acetaldehyde is the toxic first breakdown product of alcohol and it promotes cancer by interfering with DNA replication, creating DNA damage and forming DNA adducts. If you have low activity of the enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde, you have a higher risk of developing alcohol-related cancer. There are even bacteria in your mouth and colon that can make the acetaldehyde levels higher after you drink alcohol and amplify alcohol’s carcinogenic effects.
What’s wrong with eating meat? When meat (including all red meat, poultry and fish) is cooked to high temperatures it kills any harmful bacteria, but you can form carcinogens (cancer causing compounds) called heterocyclic amines (HCA). One study found that women who ate more grilled, barbecued, or smoked meats over their lifetimes, had almost a 50% higher risk in breast cancer. HCAs can be detected in breast milk of women who ate meat. In cell cultures in the laboratory, HCAs, especially one called PhIP have estrogen-like properties that caused breast cancer cells to grow quickly, invade and become metastatic. Cooking meats at high temperatures also creates advanced glycation end products (AGES) which are linked with heart disease, skin aging, inflammation, kidney failure, and Alzheimer’s disease. AGES are formed when protein or fat combine with sugar in your bloodstream. Meat (especially red), cheese, fried eggs, butter, oils, nuts, and processed foods cooked at high temperatures create AGES.
The way that you cook food matters. The higher heat cooking methods of grilling, barbecue, roasting, frying creates more carcinogenic HCAs and AGES than lower temperature, moister, and slower cooking methods of poaching, stewing, and simmering. Another way to change the food preparation is by marinating meat in fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices to reduce the formation of HCAs. One study found that marinades can reduce the HCAs in pan-fried beef by 90%. Still try to avoid all HCAs or consider these healthier methods.
Is all meat bad for you? Not necessarily, but the majority of meat that is mass produced for American consumption is very bad for us. Free range, grass fed, and wild are advertised as healthier forms of meat. These are all terms that need to be defined and better regulated and studied. Free ranged or wild caught animals have better fat content and inflammatory profiles than those that are farmed. A fish that is farmed and fed manufactured food that may be tainted with harmful chemicals and metals is not the same as one that is wild caught and swimming around in the ocean and streams sampling aquatic life and sea greens. A cow that lives all its life in a pen, fattened on corn feed without exercise is not the same as one ranged in a large field on pesticide-free grasses and clover. The humanity aspects of eating a living creature and climate change factors are a separate and important issue but something for another day.
What’s the skinny on fats? Why do saturated fat and cholesterol matter and what types of fats are better?
There are four types of dietary fat and some are healthier than others. Fat in food can be saturated (meat, dairy, coconut, palm oils), monounsaturated (olive, peanut, canola oils) and polyunsaturated (nuts, cold water fish and avocados). The different amounts of saturation simply refers to the food’s chemical structure. Note that coconut, palm and palm kernel oils are high in saturated fat so avoid them even though they are from plants.
Studies shave shown that a diet higher in saturated fats and cholesterol increases risk of breast cancer, recurrence after diagnosis, and overall mortality. Since meat is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, this is another reason why it’s better to avoid meat. Trans-fatty acids (when food is hydrogenated to harden vegetable oils so it is a solid at room temperature) increase risk of some cancers and cardiovascular disease. Trans fats were produced to make things live longer on the shelf hence why they’re found in many processed foods and food fryers in restaurants. They are found in refrigerated dough like biscuits, rolls, and pie crusts, commercial baked goods, stick margarine, fried foods. I like to think that if it's a solid on the counter, it’ll be solid in my blood vessels. No thank you, trans-fats! I’d like my blood vessels to go with the flow so my heart can pump that blood, oxygen and nutrients smoothly throughout my body. The FDA banned trans fat in 2015, but they can still technically be found in small amounts (less than 0.5 grams and the label can still read 0 grams trans fat) so you really need to put on your food detective hat and read the labels. If you see the words “partially hydrogenated” that is trans fat! Put it down, choose a different option, and walk away! One note, there are naturally occurring trans fat that are not as bad for our health compared to those made in the food industry.
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like complex that you have in all of your cells and is needed to make hormones and vitamin D. Humans can make their own cholesterol, and we do not need to eat it. Dietary cholesterol is only found in animal fats. You can have it measured in your blood as lipid-protein complexes LDL and HLD. A higher LDL and total cholesterol is associated with increased cardiovascular disease. Cancer cells eat up cholesterol to make estrogen and build tumor membranes to allow tumor spread and invasion. Medications called statins lower cholesterol levels, but so far the data has not overwhelmingly demonstrated that statins can prevent or treat breast cancer. However, you should take one if your cardiologist recommends it based on your cardiovascular disease risk factors. Eating plants decreases cholesterol levels.
Cooking fats are all technically processed foods. Even olive oil, which is popular as a “healthier” fat in the Mediterranean diet, is a processed food. Edible oils are extracted from plants. They can be extracted with chemical solvents, crushed, or pressed from plants or seeds. And remember that coconut and palm oils are higher in saturated fat than other oils.
The tricky thing is that we need fats in healthy abundance and ratio. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential. We can’t make them so it’s essential that we eat them in our diet. The problem is that our diet has evolved to have a skewed ratio: we eat too many omega-6 and not enough omega-3 fatty acids. The ratio used to be more balanced of 1:1 and now it’s closer to 20:1 shifted toward omega-6 and pro-inflammatory.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to protect against the risk of breast cancer, inhibit tumor growth and metastasis and enhance the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids may also be protective against peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy agent paclitaxel (Taxol), and some studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids may increase the efficacy of certain chemotherapies or reverse drug resistance. The bottom line on fats is that you should eat omega-3 fatty acids especially from seeds and cold water fish (being mindful of cooking methods), eat only some omega-9 fatty acids like extra virgin olive oil, avocados and almonds, and eat a diet low in saturated fat and absolutely no tran-fats. Do not eat meat and dairy and avoid vegetable oils like corn, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, coconut, palm and canola oil.
What is fiber and how does it decrease breast cancer risk? Fiber is the part of food that is not digested by the body. It is found in fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Fiber is split into two categories: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber retains water and becomes a gel during digestion and slows down nutrient digestion. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water and moves through your gastrointestinal tract intact which adds to the bulk of your poop.
Fiber increases the bulk of your poop, decreases the intestinal transit time, binds to bile acids, and contains antioxidants. Increased fiber intake has been shown to lower breast cancer risk. Researchers believe that high fiber intake may reduce breast cancer by controlling blood glucose and improving insulin sensitivity, reducing circulating estrogen levels (by increasing hormone binding proteins in the blood and decreasing the reabsorption of estrogen), and by affecting the gut microbiome to increase fecal estrogen.
Meta-analyses of retrospective and prospective studies have shown that there is a 10-14% lower risk of breast cancer in women who eat high fiber diets and for every 10 gram increase in dietary fiber, increases the risk reduction by 4%-13%. Studies have shown that eating at least 25 grams of fiber per day lowers the risk of breast cancer. Most Americans only eat 10-15 grams of fiber per day.
What is the gut microbiome and why is it so important to health?
There are trillions of microorganisms found throughout a healthy human body (skin, nose, gut, etc) coexisting peacefully and helping our bodies function. The largest number of these tiny organisms is in our small and large intestines. Our first exposures to microorganisms are through delivery in the birth canal, breast milk and then the environment. Diet, stress, infection, sleep, exercise, alcohol, smoking, hygiene, chemotherapy, radiation, and environmental factors can all affect the microbiome. Dysbiosis occurs when there is a disruption in the balance of healthy and harmful bacteria and it can lead to illnesses. Taking antibiotics can wipe out your gut flora and cause dysbiosis. Science is discovering that these microbes are responsible for many beneficial processes including stimulating the immune system, breaking down toxic foods, making vitamins and amino acids available, messaging other organs including the brain, reducing circulating estrogen levels through fecal excretion (this is called the estrobolome), and our mental health. The microbes in our gut create short chain fatty acids (SCFA) by fermenting fiber. These SCFAs stimulate apoptosis (or cancer cell death), exert anti-inflammatory effects, inhibit histone deacetylation (deacetylation can turn off tumor suppressor genes so when deacetylation is inhibited, those tumor suppressing genes can function normally), suppress blood vessel formation (angiogenesis), and overall inhibit tumor formation. The SCFAs also cause a release in neurotransmitters that positively affect our mood.
Scientists are discovering that the composition of intestinal microbiota affects cancer formation, chemotherapy efficacy, drug resistance and side effects. Current breast cancer clinical trials are examining how the gut biome plays a role in neoadjuvant chemotherapy response, estrogen levels, depression, and exercise.
So where are these microorganisms found and what are pre- and pro-biotics?
Priobiotics are live microorganisms that are consumed either found naturally in food or in supplements. They occur naturally in raw fermented foods (yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha, kefir, cottage cheese, lacto-fermented pickles which are different from most store bought pickles) and have the words “live and active cultures” on the label. A food with added probiotics may have the Latin name listed in the ingredients such as Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. You can purchase probiotic supplements, but approach them with caution as supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Unless you know what your gut biome profile is and what microbiota are specifically beneficial for you at your point in diagnosis and treatment, probiotic supplements could be expensive, useless or even harmful. This area is thankfully rapidly evolving and I foresee it as part of personalized medicine for cancer prevention and treatment. Always speak with your health care provider if you are considering a diet change, especially if you are immunocompromised or if you have a bowel disorder.
Prebiotics are compounds found in food or supplements that help beneficial microorganisms grow. Prebiotics as the food and scaffold on which macrobiotics eat and thrive. Prebiotics are high in fiber, particularly soluble fiber. Foods containing prebiotics are barley, oats, rice, beans, legumes, asparagus, chicory root, dandelion greens, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, onions, soybeans, boiled and chilled potatoes, green bananas, seaweed, apples, apricots, carrots, green beans, peaches, raspberries, and tomatoes. You may also see prebiotics listed as an added ingredient on food labels under the names “galactooligosaccharide, frutcooligosachardie, oligofructose, chicory fiber, or inulin.”
Studies have shown that you should eat 3-5 grams (about a teaspoon) of prebiotics a day and 10-20 billion colony forming units per day of probiotics (1-2 tablespoons of sauerkraut or 1 serving of yogurt dependent on amount of CFUs contained in the yogurt).
Not only what we eat but when and how much we eat are important too. Intermittent fasting is limiting when and how much you eat to allow the body to reset. When fasted, the body relies on fat stores instead of sugar for fuel and while fasted the body performs the function of autophagy (the Greek origin of the word is ‘phagy’ meaning to eat and ‘auto’ meaning self) or removing or repairing damaged cells. We naturally fast while we sleep, hence the meal "break-fast". Many cultures and religions regularly fast. There are a myriad of intermittent fasting health benefits including improved memory and cognition, lowered blood pressure and heart rate, improved physical exercise performance, and prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes. A retrospective study of breast cancer survivors found that those who fasted less than 13 hours a night had a 36% higher risk in recurrence compared to those fasting 13 hours a night. Fasting or caloric restriction during chemotherapy may improve quality of life and response to treatment. Further research is needed in this area, and it is a strategy to first discuss with your provider.
This review has only touched the surface of the nutrition and cancer realm. Follow your instinct, select your guides and sources carefully, and remember to still enjoy your food (if possible depending on your taste buds!) while finding nourishment and healing. Your needs will change depending on your stage of treatment and survivorship. We truly are what we eat! Nourish yourself.
The Bare Bones
Find a whole-food, plant based diet that supports you. There is no one magic dietary substance or magic diet. Eat vibrantly colored, unprocessed plants and avoid processed foods, meat, and alcohol. Aim for 8-10 colorful fruit and vegetable servings per day. Eat a diet high in fiber (30-45 grams per day) and low in fat and cholesterol (only 20-30% of your total calories from fat with only 8% of calories from saturated fat. Your plate should be 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% starchy vegetable or whole grains. Try to eat flax seed meal, cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, berries, plant protein (including soy and other beans), nuts, whole grains, herbs and spices, probiotics and prebiotics. Avoid alcohol and refined, processed grains, flours and sugars.
Nourishment Fun Fact:
Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Apples have antioxidants in the apple peel. The peel contains chemicals that activate tumor suppressor gene maspin and prevents breast cancer. Try to make it organic as apples are on the Environmental Working Group’s "Dirty Dozen” List.
Action Plan
Be a Food Detective
Read the label carefully if you are buying food in a package. Ideally you want mostly whole foods. Avoid chemicals that you cannot pronounce and avoid trans fats (“hydrogenated oil”).​
Track It!
Download a free food tracker app such as Cronometer. It allows you to track the foods you eat, save recipes and favorite foods, and scan bar codes. It can tell you your macronutrient (fat, carbohydrate, protein) and micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) intake. The diary screen tells you a snapshot but if you go to Home then Report it gives you a more detailed breakdown of what specific fats, amino acids and vitamins you consumed that day. ​
Work with a Professional
Discuss your diet with your oncology care team, especially if you are fully plant based (vegan). Your oncologist may recommend a nutritionist to make sure that you are getting enough nutrients (especially protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D and iron) to support you during your treatment and into survivorship.​
Most cancer centers have a nutritionist on staff and a consultation is covered by insurance. Support organization Unite for Her, a program that supports women with breast and ovarian cancer, also provides consultation with a nutritionist, Community Supported Agriculture organic produce boxes, grocery gift card, and/or meal kits through their passport program.
Get Cookin'!
Try a new recipe or ask a loved one to make a healthy recipe for you. Your tastebuds will be very different while on chemotherapy. You may need more fat, salt, spices (see recommendations from Cancer Fighting Kitchen (Amazon Affiliate Link) by Rebecca Katz for specific incredibly helpful pointers and powerful recipes).
Get Herbaceous! Fresh herbs and spices have more cancer fighting phytochemicals per ounce than any other food. Sprinkle a little parsley, basil, mint, or cilantro on your foods.
Eat Cancer Cells for Breakfast
Try intermittent fasting. Start out small. Stop eating after dinner, before 8 pm and don’t eat until 9 am the next morning. Make sure to check with your health care provider first.
Add Prebiotic Fiber and Probiotics to Your Diet
Go slow with increasing your dietary fiber so you don't get gas and bloating. Add probiotics and prebiotics naturally found in foods and add water. Eat your probiotics during the day because gut microorganisms are more active during the day in line with your body's circadian rhythms.
Eat Outside the Box
Try purchasing a plant based meal subscription kit like Daily Harvest or plant based meal kits from Sunbasket. Purchase a Community Support Agriculture (CSA) farm share (Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-op is available in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) whereby you pay for a fruit and/or vegetable share in the beginning of the season and get weekly fresh, local, seasonal produce that you pick up at a central location. Support organization Unite for Her, a program founded in Pennsylvania that supports women with breast and ovarian cancer, provides passport services for CSA organic produce boxes and/or meal kits.
Eat Mindfully
This is a study in mindfulness and nourishment. It may not be best during active chemotherapy when your taste buds are dampened. Take a chocolate covered raisin or a berry. Hold it in your hand. Study it carefully, roll it around in your hand, and note its overall appearance; shape, texture, color, shine. How did that treat get to your hand? Who planted, watered, cultivated, harvested, packaged, delivered, purchased and brought that treat to you? Smell it. Slowly put it in your mouth. Roll it around your mouth with your tongue. How does it feel on your tongue? Carefully take one bite into the treat. Feel the explosion of flavor in your mouth. Don't swallow it yet! Let your taste buds enjoy the sensations and allow them to linger in your mouth while you inhale the aroma through your nose. Finally, swallow the bite carefully and feel it go down your throat. Feel nourishment spreading from your stomach throughout your body. Savor and relish the sensation of being fed. Feel gratitude. Take these sensations and feelings and apply it to your approach to food and the amazing fact that plants can grow and sustain an incredible human like yourself.
Know Your Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a vitamin that the human body makes through exposure to sunlight and also is found naturally in certain foods (cold water fish especially the skin, egg yolk, mushrooms and fortified in milk or milk alternatives, cheese, orange juice, cereals and yogurt. Most American women have low vitamin D levels. It is recommended to have your vitamin D3 (25-hydroxyvitamin D3 or calcifediol) level at or above 40 ng/ml for breast cancer prevention. Women with a low vitamin D are at higher risk of breast cancer. If vitamin D levels are low at breast cancer diagnosis, the tumor likely has a higher grade (more likely to spread and involve nodes) and a worse prognosis than those with higher vitamin D level. Vitamin D has been found to decrease cancer cell growth, control normal breast cell growth, decrease conversion of testosterone to estrogen, and have anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is important for bone health. Vitamin D2 is made naturally by plants and D3 is made by animals. D3 is easier to absorb than D2. Vitamin D supplements are commonly combined with calcium. It is a fat soluble vitamin so take a vitamin D supplement with a small amount of fat (like a few almonds). Ask your doctor to test your vitamin D level.
Make It a Family Affair: Tips for Healthy Eating with Kids
If you have the time and energy and want to share some healthy eating habits with your family, try these tips:
Get messy by dipping and using your fingers - make plant based healthy recipes and set out sliced vegetables and fruits
Get adventurous - we are fortunate to have access to exotic fruits and vegetables from far away lands. If you’re able to get one, show it to your kids and how far it came on a map. Then dig in try to prepare it. My kids love eating pomegranate seeds because it’s fun (and very very messy) to separate the seeds (arils) from the whole fruit. We always end up speckled and laughing. You may want to watch a tutorial video and don aprons first!
Eat the rainbow - present all the colors to your kids, make it beautiful, make it colorful.
Ask for helpers - you can buy kid safe knives and aprons to get your children involved in food preparation. Young kids love to feel like they are an important, contributing member of the family unit.
Eat with the seasons - produce tastes better, is cheaper, and has more nutrients in season. You can teach your children to watch the seasons and anticipate what foods will be available. You can even try a farm share or community supported agriculture (CSA). Support organization Unite for Her provides a CSA subscription depending on your location.
Get creative - play up the super hero qualities of food like carrots creating "super vision" from vitamin A and calcium in leafy greens give you strong bones and the protein and fiber in beans helps my muscles work harder, and the nitrates in beets and beet greens make you a "super athlete" by increasing blood flow and muscle action making you perform better at sports.
Freeze! Add frozen berries and vegetables to dishes like oatmeal or pasta. Frozen food is a lot cheaper than fresh, may have more vitamins and minerals because fresh can lose nutrients with transportation and display time, and is easy to store for when you need it. Toss some greens and seeds (chia, hemp, flax) into fruit smoothies for an added benefit.
Be cautious with school foods. The guidelines that were created by the USDA for schools were made for the benefit of the food industry, not for optimal health. I acknowledge that I am speaking from a place of financial privilege here; fed is best.
Books on Nourishment
Cancer fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Katz catapulted me on my path of agency and wellness during my initial diagnosis and chemotherapy. This book provides practical tips for eating wisely and healthily during chemotherapy and beyond. Her recipes and meal preparation tips make eating during chemotherapy more manageable. My favorite section is in the beginning of the book where you can find a list of herbs, seeds, plants and why they are cancer-fighting. It is incredibly empowering to make yourself a meal and think about how you are supporting your cancer fight and making healthy choices. Two favorite recipes are Magical Mineral Broth and Stir-fried Baby Bok Choy with Shiitake Mushrooms.
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Dr. Michael Greger, MD. This book is a detailed description of the evidence on what to eat to prevent or combat the 15 most common causes of death in America as well as his “Daily Dozen” foods which we should all incorporate daily into our lives to optimize our bodies. I especially love his simple stoplight approach to food: green light (unprocessed plant foods), yellow light (process plant foods or unprocessed animal foods), and red light (ultra-processed plant foods or processed animal foods). You can download his Daily Dozen App for free. The app tracks the 12 daily foods he recommends eating for health and disease prevention. Many of the pointers offered in this review are found in Dr. Granger's book.
Dr. Greger also runs the website, a nonprofit organization (there are no corporate sponsons). The website offers free nutritional information on a whole food plant-based diet, wellness, disease prevention, healthy weight loss and longevity through easily digestible short informational videos (more than 2,000 and a new one every day), blogs, podcasts and info-graphics.
Forks Over Knives―The Cookbook: Over 300 Simple and Delicious Plant-Based Recipes to Help You Lose Weight, Be Healthier, and Feel Better Every Day by Del Sroufe. Forks Over Knives first started as a documentary (which you can watch online for free) that highlighted the benefits of a whole food plant based diet. The brand expanded to offer a whole foods plant based cookbook as well. Check out their website for healthy vegan recipes, meal plans, cooking classes, and a quarterly magazine full of recipes. The Forks over Knives recipes are truly whole food plant based and do not used processed ingredients (so they do not use cooking oils or vegan imitation cheese or meats).
Oh She Glows: Over 100 Vegan Recipes to Glow from the Inside Out and Oh She Glows Every Day by Angela Liddon. Almost a decade ago and way before cancer, Oh She Glows was my first foray into vegan cooking. Liddon's vegan recipes are straightforward, created from common pantry ingredients, easy to make, nutritious, filling, and delicious. Our family loves the Life Affirming Nacho Dip, Marinated Lentils, Vegan Shepherd's Pie, and Banana Muffin Tops to name a few. Her website contains additional recipes.
Love and Lemons Every Day: More than 100 Bright, Plant-Forward Recipes for Every Meal by Jeanine Denofrio offers plant-based meals (recipes can be adapted for vegan diets) that are bright, nutritious and delicious. The book contains useful charts for how to roast vegetables, prepare grains, and dressings. You can check out her website for further recipes.
UCSF Recommendations for Breast Cancer and Nutrition. This is 92-page document from the University of California San Francisco reviews over 500 peer reviewed articles and contains specific recommendations that were used to create the information presented above.
Health Through Cancer is an Amazon Associate and earns an affiliate commission for any purchases through product links (underlined and in blue font). All the profits from affiliate links are donated to breast cancer research and cancer support services.
Further Reading
Delve Deeper
Link LB, Canchola AJ, Bernstein L, Clarke CA, Stram DO, Ursin G, Horn-Ross PL. Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk in the California Teachers Study cohort. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Dec;98(6):1524-32. Epub 2013 Oct 9. PMID: 24108781; PMCID: PMC3831538. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.061184.
Seitz HK, Becker P. Alcohol metabolism and cancer risk. Alcohol Res Health. 2007;30(1):38-41, 44-7. PMCID: PMC3860434. PMID: 17718399.
Gaudet MM, Britton JA, Kabat GC, Steck-Scott S, Eng SM, Teitelbaum SL, Terry MB, Neugut AI, Gammon MD. Fruits, vegetables, and micronutrients in relation to breast cancer modified by menopause and hormone receptor status. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Sep;13(9):1485-94.PMID: 15342450.
Steck SE, Gaudet MM, Eng SM, Britton JA, Teitelbaum SL, Neugut AI, Santella RM, Gammon MD. Cooked meat and risk of breast cancer--lifetime versus recent dietary intake. Epidemiology. 2007 May;18(3):373-82. PMID: 17435448. doi: 10.1097/01.ede.0000259968.11151.06.
Lauber SN, Ali S, Gooderham NJ. The cooked food derived carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridine is a potent oestrogen: a mechanistic basis for its tissue-specific carcinogenicity. Carcinogenesis. 2004 Dec;25(12):2509-17. Epub 2004 Aug 19. PMID: 15319301. Doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgh268.
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Corsetto, P.A.; Colombo, I.; Kopecka, J.; Rizzo, A.M.; Riganti, C. ω-3 Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as Sensitizing Agents and Multidrug Resistance Revertants in Cancer Therapy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18, 2770. PMID: 29261109. PMCID: PMC5751368
Viegas O, Amaro LF, Ferreira IM, Pinho O. Inhibitory effect of antioxidant-rich marinades on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in pan-fried beef. J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Jun 20;60(24):6235-40. Epub 2012 Jun 6. PMID: 22642699. DOI: 10.1021/jf302227b.
Álvarez-Mercado, A.I.; del Valle Cano, A.; Fernández, M.F.; Fontana, L. Gut Microbiota and Breast Cancer: The Dual Role of Microbes. Cancers 2023, 15, 443. DOI: 10.3390/cancers15020443
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Mailing, Lucy J.; Allen, Jacob M.; Buford, Thomas W.; Fields, Christopher J.; Woods, Jeffrey A.. Exercise and the Gut Microbiome: A Review of the Evidence, Potential Mechanisms, and Implications for Human Health. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 47(2):p 75-85, April 2019. | DOI: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000183
Farvid MS, Spence ND, Holmes MD, Barnett JB. Fiber consumption and breast cancer incidence: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Cancer. 2020 Jul 1;126(13):3061-3075. doi: 10.1002/cncr.32816. Epub 2020 Apr 6. PMID: 32249416.
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Dong Jia-Yi, He Ka, Wang Peiyu, Qin Li-Qiang. Dietary fiber intake and risk of breast cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011: 94(3): 900-905. PMID: 21775566. DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.111.015578
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