Parenting Through Cancer
Navigating A Health Crisis While Parenting Young Children
At the time of my diagnosis, our four children were 7 years of age and younger. My youngest was 3 months old. My husband and I decided that we would share my diagnosis and treatment plan with our children once we had the results of my scans and knew how to explain my treatments and prognosis. It was about 5 days from my initial primary provider appointment to biopsy results (and I am extremely lucky as I know for some this can takes months). The waiting during those days was incredibly heart-wrenching because we knew something was wrong, but we didn't know what the next step was. Our eldest naturally was the most aware of the tension in our household, and he had so many questions that we weren’t ready to answer yet. Finally, we sat on the floor of our living room and told them that Mommy had a “boo boo and that the doctors were going to give me medicine that would make me tired, sick and make my hair fall out but get rid of the boo boo." My kids helped me shave my head, then my husband and four boys shaved their heads too. Later, my one son told me that I looked like a boy! My kids enjoyed that they could call cancer “bad words” that they weren’t allowed to use normally like “dumb, stupid and hate”.
I drove my three older children by the cancer center on a weekend so they could see where I receive care. My oldest son and I just started virtual online piano lessons together around the time I got sick. Through the large windows of the architecturally beautiful cancer center you can see a grand piano in the lobby. When my eldest child saw the piano, he said “Oh, that’s where my piano teacher works too”. To which I replied, "Of course, and Angels work there too and they are going to save Mom's life."
We contacted our children's school principals, counselors and teachers as soon as we knew the plan. I worked with a lactation consultant to wean as quickly as possible before starting chemotherapy (a lot of cold cabbage leaves). It was difficult to share the news with others, so I had a dear friend help me (almost like a public relations assistant or wedding planner!). I knew that I would need a village so I told family, friends, neighbors, teachers, church members, pediatricians, coaches, work colleagues and patients. We all handle things our own way, but it felt easiest to let everyone know. The loving community that watched, fed and held our family literally and figuratively was one of the most beautiful blessings of cancer. Cancer is terrible, we all go through difficult things, and we are here to help and hold each other.
Action Plan
Get Organized
Create a detailed calendar with all of your appointments, partner's schedule, school calendar, and children's activities.
Create a household binder with important information (emergency contacts, health insurance, medical power of attorney for children, children's routines and schedules, wifi passwords, takeout restaurants and go-to recipes, trash day, plumber, electrician, cleaners, etc.) so that someone can step in to manage the details of your household.
Find a label maker and label your children's clothes and dresser. Then people helping with the laundry will know where to put it away. Post laundry instructions next to the washer and dryer. Buy disposable flatware and paper products (it's ok, you can save the environment when you are feeling stronger) and order take out.
Ask Your Village for Help
Use online websites to update family members, coordinate rides and household tasks, and create a meal train. Try social media or an online health journal to share updates like Caring Bridge. Lotsa Helping Hands allows you to coordinate rides, meals, household tasks and appointments on a calendar. Save the important jobs like driving your children to activities for those closest to you. Meal Train and Take Them a Meal allow you to create an online meal train. Be VERY specific about what your needs are. If you are on a particular diet or don't want your children having sweets every night with dinner, say so! People want to help! The wise folks at an organization called Bright Spot Network came up with a fantastic list of ways you can ask people for help for when they say, "How can I help?"
If someone offers help, ask them specifically what they like to do. Create a running list of who volunteered for what position: chauffeur, laundry, meals, babysitting, walks, cleaning, etc.
Talk to the Professionals
Contact your children's school principals, counselors, teachers, pediatricians, coaches, church, and teachers to update them on your health crisis and how it may impact your child. Talk to other parents in your kids' class and your neighbors and ask them to look out for your children. Speak to you social worker at your cancer center and ask for resources.
Bright Spot Network is a incredible online resource for young families facing a diagnosis of cancer. They offer free postpartum kits, age-appropriate kids books explaining cancer, and a Bright Box containing crafts (6 projects, instructions and supplies to help occupy kids under 10 during treatment). They also offer Bright Club, a monthly opportunity for kids to connect virtually using themed activities, mindfulness, art, and reading. Check out their resources pages for how to navigate weaning from breast feeding after a cancer diagnosis, how to specifically ask for help from friends, coloring pages, as well as videos entitled, "Ask a Therapist" which tackle how to have tough conversations with your children.
Sharsheret (Hebrew for chain) is a Jewish organization that supports women and men diagnosed with or at high risk of breast and ovarian cancer. They support persons of any background or faith. The organization offers "Busy Boxes" containing activities and toys for children to use while a parent is undergoing treatment as well as peer support, genetic support, financial information and assistance, "Best Face Forward" beauty kits, surgery support kits, caregiver support, and more.
Self portrait, with hair, springtime. Mixed media. SML, 2022. A fun family craft activity.